Terms & Condition
1. Any person at least eighteen years of age, may apply for a membership by submitting an application form, received training from sponsor / introducer or representative of company’s marketing business and patronize its product and services.
2. Upon purchase he / she may refer other interested buyers who may in turn become members. Members are not paid employees of Cotton Life Marketing
3. Members agree to properly represent the company, its product and services under the incentives program. Membership can be assigned or transferred to an individual or legal entity, who can qualify as a member, provided a duly notarized written consent and a copy valid identification card are presented to Cotton Life Marketing
4. A member is entitled to benets of the company’s Reward Program as part of its marketing business. He / she is entitled to dierent rewards systems for his / her successful referrals and contribution to the goals of the company.
5. Cross-lining and cross-sponsoring are strictly prohibited. Such can be ground for termination of the member’s privileges.
6. The company reserves the right to terminate membership on grounds inimical to the interest of the company and the rest of its member.
7. Spouse is considered as the one (1) member, thus will be treated as cross-lining if applies in violation of the policy stated above.
8. The company reserves the right to modify, amend and/or update its policies and procedures under its reward program for its best interest and that of its members.